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Posts: 45
Threads: 12
Members: 50
Posts per day: 0.48
Threads per day: 0.13
Members per day: 0.54
Posts per member: 0.9
Threads per member: 0.24
Replies per thread: 2.75
Newest Member: abhinavtyagi
Members who have posted: 22%
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Most popular forum: Work In Progress (19 posts, 5 threads)

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Welcome to the JAM! (12 replies)
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How do I post in this forum? (3 replies)
Edgar Allen Poe (2 replies)
Finished piece- unusually ahead of time (2 replies)
LET THE JAM BEGIN! (1 replies)
How to upload image when I complete (1 replies)
Hi enamelists! (1 replies)
Athena Pendant Progress (1 replies)
Welcome to the JAM! (0 replies)
John Milton (0 replies)
Welcome to the JAM! (470 views)
H. W. Auden's Poems (155 views)
How do I post in this forum? (153 views)
LET THE JAM BEGIN! (151 views)
Leopold Senghor (106 views)
Welcome to the JAM! (92 views)
Edgar Allen Poe (80 views)
How to upload image when I complete (73 views)
Athena Pendant Progress (72 views)
Hi enamelists! (71 views)
Finished piece- unusually ahead of time (61 views)
John Milton (27 views)